Typical wear and faults

I can carry out various repairs, but I do not sell parts on their own. Please contact me here.
Dents - The ends of the cap and barrel dent easily when dropped. These can quite often be removed.
Scratches - Stainless shows up surface marks easily. These are very easy to remove and matching the original brushed grain finish is simple with the right tools.
Paint chips - The epxoy finish does not age well and can become brittle. This is often seen on matt white where the white goes an off white colour where it has oxidised. Both the black and white version once chipped are almost impossible to match up with paint again.
Loose clip - These work them selves loose with heavy use. Majority of the time the pen can be stripped and the inner cap and clip adjusted to ensure a tight clip again.
Clip symbol worn - The logo on the clip is probably the first feature to wear. Constant use, storage and rubbing actions cause the white printed logo to wear away. Although the clip will still function, the only way to have a full clear logo again is to replace the clip.
Bent clip - This can be seen where the clip has been caught and pulled away from the cap. Like above the cap can be stripped and clip straightend.
Loose inner cap - These become loose if the clip is loose as the whole assembley is based on interference fits to hold it together.
Fibre tip refill dried out - They didn't have a long life before they dried up. Click here for my FT conversion service.
BP / MP mechanism and spring - Fatigue / wear can leave the ratchet faulty.
FP nib and blocked feed - Pens left for long periods with ink in; Requires a good thorough clean and in some cases and strip down.